Wednesday, November 22, 2006


November 21st, 2006

Good morning!

In this week of Thanksgiving, may we all be thankful for God's abundant blessings to us. May we also remember to share our abundance with others so that they may experience God's light and love in their lives. Let's keep everyone in our prayers for travel mercies, and may we remember those who may spend this holiday alone. In fact, if you know of such a person, why not invite them to your home to share a meal? You will both be blessed, and when we share of our blessings with others, God smiles. In other words, it's a good thing all around.

The next Craft Fair work session is Saturday, 7PM, at Diane and Mary Jo's. Call 882-8255 for directions. Come on out, join the fun, socialize, help us bake some cookies for the last Craft Fair session for this year, and raise money for the ministries of MCC of CC! Everyone is welcome!

Also, make sure to check out our fantastic homemade gifts beginning Sundays in December after church! That's right! The MCC Crafters are "bringin' it to you" by setting up a table of our crafts for sale during Social Hour each Sunday in December after church. So, bring your pocketbook or wallet and your Christmas List. Where else can you find great food, fellowship, AND do your Christmas shopping without the hassles of mall traffic?

The Thursday Night Bible Study Group has started watching and discussing a DVD series on "Lost Christianities." This study explores the diversity of Christian practices during the first few centuries after Jesus' ascension, as well as some of the writings that did not make into the Bible. Everyone is welcome to attend these weekly study groups, so come on out! PLEASE NOTE: The location for this class has been changed to Pastor Danny and Richard's home due to technical difficulties at the church. Call the church for directions to their home if you would like to attend this study. Don't worry-we'll make room!

It is that time of year once again to decorate our Sanctuary for Advent. With our community, there should be more than enough decorating talent and strong backs to make our sanctuary "absolutely fabulous" for Advent. Please see Mary Jo Smith for dates and further details. The Party starts at the church this Saturday (November 25th). Call the church for the time!

This year's World AIDS Day service will be held at MCC of Corpus Christi, Friday December 1st, at 7:00PM. Please see Pastor Danny if you are able and willing to help with this service.

Thursdays (30th): "Lost Christianities" Thursday Night Bible Study Group at 6:30PM at Pastor Danny and Richard's.

November 26th: 2 Samuel 23:1-7; Psalm 132:1-12 (13-18); Revelation 1:4b-8; John 18:33-37

Don Schiffke 11/01
John Tullos 11/14
Becky Dally 11/24
Gloria Pena 11/28

Ms. Linda Hull will present a message entitled "Ready or not, here I come!".

What About December?
Inquirer's Class December 10th at 12:30
Board Meeting December 17th at 1:00
Stay Tuned for more.

Smiles for the Journey
"If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."

See you in church!