Sunday, June 12, 2011

Letter from the Pastor and Board of Directors - 1



Dear Members and Friends of MCC,


MCC Corpus Christi impacts many lives everyday.  Deep friendships are forged within the church which offer support in times of happiness, grief and loss, and the ups and downs of daily life.  We offer a welcoming spiritual worship home where people hear, experience and know the love of God is available to them just as they were created.


Our food pantry ministry continues to grow and is now one of the largest food pantries in the county.  Our church volunteers have seen the number of clients increase at an amazing rate.  We served:

6,151 individuals in 2007

7,776 individuals in 2008

14,325 individuals in 2009

19, 544 individuals in 2010


Think of the number of families who depend on our ministry to survive and be healthy.  Our volunteer crew is faithful in providing this amazing ministry. 


The Board of Directors wants you to be aware of our current financial situation.  Earlier in the year we had several months where our offerings were well below the budgeted need and we had to spend down our savings.  Offerings have been stronger in April and May. We need your help to catch up and to continue meeting the financial needs of the congregation.


The monthly budget is $5,234.52  and our weekly need is $1,207.97.    Beginning this Sunday we will include the weekly offerings for the month in the bulletin so everyone knows exactly where we stand.


After paying all the current June bills – our checking account is dangerously low.  This week we paid our quarterly insurance and wind storm insurance policy.  Those bills alone were over $1,100. 


We need every member to increase their giving to make sure we meet our financial obligations and can continue to provide ministry.  Summer is traditionally a time for a slump in offerings.  We ask that you continue to be faithful in supporting your church faithfully throughout the summer.  


Join us Sunday as we celebrate Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit.  May the Spirit continue to bless the amazing Ministry of MCC Corpus Christi.


                Your Board of Directors                                 Rev. Ken Ehrke - Moderator