Friday, July 08, 2011

MCC's New Organizational Structure



New Organizational Structure

Dear MCC Members and Friends,


This is an exciting time to be a leader and member of MCC, as we truly embrace our vision of "tearing down walls and building up hope."  I am proud of each of our churches and emerging ministries who are risking themselves to do the profound, life-changing ministry to which we are called!


From my heart, I want to share that we did not just vote on one more structure change at the last General Conference. We really did something more revolutionary that can support the spiritual and justice momentum that we all felt and experienced together in Acapulco. The more we embrace this new way, we see that it:


1.      Mirrors the governance structure of our local churches in a simple way,

2.      Better fits our actual size,

3.      Is more affordable, and

4.      Commits us to dedicate the next several years to determining a workable structure for our           global ministry, balancing autonomy and connection.


As the new Governing Board has taken the reins of leadership of the denomination, they have benefitted from consultation with Dan Hotchkiss from Alban Institute, the leading expert on governance in denominations and churches. Out of that consultation, the Board has urged the Moderator and Senior Leadership Team to be bold in re-inventing the ways in which the denomination serves our churches as we work on the primary goals of developing leadership and improving communications system-wide in MCC.


We are in a process of living into the profound changes that the General Conference approved. We eliminated the Regional structure and replaced it with informal, closer to the ground, smaller, more manageable and affordable Networks, supported by Elders and Network coordinators.


We have redefined the role and responsibilities of the Elders as Senior Staff. Under the leadership of the Moderator, we have created a Senior Leadership Team, which includes the Elders and key leadership who have imagined, dreamed and begun implementing a new structure for our staff operations. 


This new structure is more streamlined. It improves accountability of staff. It has a better system for delivery of resources to churches. We have used the analogy of "program-sized" denomination to communicate that our new structure is not person-dependent but creates systems for ministry, and that excellent programs that train leaders are at the heart of what we do. This will strengthen our congregations, help them break barriers to growth, and improve their witness for the radically inclusive gospel we preach!


The primary objectives for this structure are to:

  • Provide effective and efficient support for churches as they grow in healthy ways,
  • Develop new generations of leaders, including young adults, who will lead us through our next 50 years,
  • Develop and leverage partnerships with organizations that share common ideals around justice and human rights,
  • Provide a way to incubate new ideas, grow new churches, and develop & challenge existing churches in all aspects of diversity,
  • Take our communications within MCC and outside MCC to a whole new level,
  • Efficiently and effectively support all staff operations, and
  • Operate within our financial resources.

With these objectives in mind, we took a blank piece of paper and worked on a new organizational structure for MCC staff. 


The Office of the Moderator continues to lead the Governing Board and the Senior Leadership Team, and with the Governing Board, continues to provide support and connection to our emerging Global Justice Institute.


We have created a Senior Leadership Team that is led by the Moderator. Those who serve on the Senior Leadership Team are the four Elders, along with Irma Bauer-Levesque, Barb Crabtree, and Rev. Dr. Mona West. We have also created six offices, each of which is led by a member of the Senior Leadership Team, who serves as its Director. 


Our new Senior Leadership Team Offices are:

  • Office of Church Life and Health, with Rev. Elder Lillie Brock and Rev. Elder Ken Martin as the Directors.
  • Office of Outreach, with Rev. Elder Diane Fisher as the Director.
  • Office of Emerging Ministries, with Rev. Elder Darlene Garner as the Director.

These three continuing Offices, although already existing, have revised scope and responsibility:


  • Office of Formation and Leadership Development, with Rev. Dr  Mona West as Director.
  • Office of Development, with Irma Bauer-Levesque as Director.
  • Office of Operations, with Barb Crabtree as Director.

In the organization charts that follow, we have attempted to capture the scope of responsibility, as well as the staffing plan, for each department. Although this will give you a basic introduction to each Office, we will follow this initial communication with more information in the coming weeks.


The Senior Leadership Team is excited about the tremendous potential this new organizational structure offers, and we hope that you are equally excited! 


Bless you in all the work you do and in all things.


Grace and Peace,


+ Nancy


Rev. Elder Dr. Nancy Wilson




Metropolitan Community Churches

Staff Organization - June 2011


Office of the Moderator

Rev. Elder Dr. Nancy Wilson



Connie Meadows

Executive Assistant to the Moderator


Rev. Elder Arlene Ackerman

Church Resource Specialist





Office of Church Life and Health

Rev. Elder Lillie Brock and

Rev. Elder Ken Martin




Kay Hale


Administrative Support


Rev. Stedney Phillips

Church Life Specialist


Rev. Margaret Walker

Interim Ministry Coordinator





Office of Outreach

Rev. Elder Diane Fisher




Jason O'Neill


Administrative Support


Florin Buhuceanu

Eastern Europe Coordinator


Angel Collie

Trans Ministry Coordinator


Sharon Ludwig

Africa Development Coordinator





Office of Emerging Ministries

Rev. Elder Darlene Garner



Jason O'Neill

Administrative Support


Vickey Gibbs

Curriculum Specialist


Rev. Hector Gutierrez

International Church Emergence Specialist


Marina Laws

Cultural Liaison, Europe


Cristiano Valerio

Brazil Development Coordinator





Office of Formation and Leadership Development

Rev. Dr. Mona West



Ritchie Crownfield

Administrative Support





Office of Development

Irma Bauer-Levesque



Marina Laws

Donor and Gift Processing Coordinator





Office of Operations

Barb Crabtree



Tammy Erwin

Accounting Manager


Franklin Calvin

Finance Clerk


Bill Hooper

Board of Pensions Administrator


Leah Sloan

Data Analyst


Jennifer Justice

Conference Planning Specialist


Carlos Chavez

IT Manager/Conference Planning Specialist

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