Thursday, September 04, 2008

For September 1st thru September 7th

One time events

Healing around the Passing of Michael Oliver
Unfortunately, there has been another young man who has passed away. There will be a meeting, September 7th, after church this Sunday to discuss what happened to him and how we can help each other grieve and be sure that we are all taking steps to make our community as safe as possible.

Social Activities Committee Meeting
There will be a Social Activities Committee meeting on Sunday, September 7 after church. If you are interested in joining this group please plan to attend. The results of the Activities Survey will be discussed. Contact Cathy at if you have any questions.

Activities Survey Results
To see the results of the recently taken Activities Survey Results go to the following web site:
Thanks to Andy Wilcox for putting this out on the web for us all to see. You should look around the church's web site and come back to visit it every week or so.

Pastoral Search Committee
At its last meeting, the Board of Directors decided to open the process for elections in October for members of the Pastoral Search Committee. This committee will first need to determine how to help the congregation consider what its gifts are and to choose how best to move forward. Only after it has made significant strides in this direction will it then take the steps necessary to choose the next pastor. This committee will consist of 2 members of the Board of Directors, appointed by the Board of Directors who will remain on the Pastoral Search Committee whether or not reelected to the Board of Directors and 5 members in good standing elected at the Congregational Meeting in October. If you are interested in more information on the Pastoral Search Committee, please contact Tom Dollard, Clayton Hill or Annette Berdan.

Updating Member and Friends Data

We are updating our members and friends' information. If you did not get a chance to do this, then please help us by giving us this information this Sunday. Cathy will be at the table in the church entry way before service with the form you can fill out. If you arrive late, let her know and she will provide you with a form after services. The information being gathered is email address, birthday, any special anniversary and if you want to get the E-Newsletter and/or the Thought for the Day. If you would like to provide that information right now online, reply to this email or email Don't forget your name! This information is kept strictly confidential. We will not give out any information we gather to anyone without your permission.

Church Service Positions
We are also gathering information on what service positions you currently either do or are interested in learning. These service positions include altar guild, acolyte, multimedia, sound, prayers & praises, scripture reader, prayer minister, offertory words, fellowship, worship leader, coordinator, usher, and greeter. Please take a moment to consider which of these positions you would like to do so you can become a part of the service. Again, there will be a form available Sunday for you to fill out or you can email or reply to this email with your choices. You might have decided that you are interested in a position since last Sunday. Not a problem. You can add to your existing choices this Sunday or email your changes. If you have any questions on what the position actually does, please contact Pastor Carol.

Board Of Directors and Alternate Lay Delegate Packets
Anyone interested in being on the
Board of Directors or The Alternate Lay Delegate, packets will be available from the election committee. There is 1 Alternate Lay Delegate position open, to complete the 2 year term, and 4 Board positions open, 3 two year terms and 1 one year term. Deadline for applications is September 14th. No late applications will be accepted. Please Contact Tom Dollard, Clayton Hill or Annette Berdan for these packets.

Christmas Pageant
The Children's Ministry is currently working on a Christmas pageant for this year. If anyone would like to donate time, money, or talent, please contact Annette at

Reoccurring Events

Bible Study changed to WEDNESDAY

Bible Study has been move to Wednesdays @ 6:00PM.
We are currently studing the book of James. The study lasts an hour and then the group goes to dinner together. Please mark Wednesdays on your calendar with "Bible Study"!

Supporting MCC of CC Financially
Spotlight this week --
Go to and try or buy anything on the site. Each offer will tell you exactly how much will be donated to MCC of CC's Mortgage Retirement Fund. You can find a lot of the "Seen on TV" offers here.

Family Movie Night at MCC
MCC will be hosting a Family Movie Night the second Friday of each month. The next scheduled movie night is
September 12th at 7:00PM. Of course, only family appropriate movies will be shown. Also, don't forget, September's Movie Night will begin with dinner from 5PM to 7PM. Suggested donation for dinner is $5 with all proceeds being split between the Mortgage retirement and the Conference fund.

Food Pantry Update
The Food Pantry needs
powdered milk or shelf milk. Bring these and toiletry items to the church. Plastic bags are always welcomed. Pick up some extra items at the store and drop them by the church. Or you can donate money and the staff can buy powdered milk for only 14 cents a pound. You will definitely be making a difference in peoples lives. AMEN!!

Monthly Cookout
The next Church's monthly Cookout will be at the Hidden Door on September 14
th. Please watch the announcements for the time and date for each months cookout. All proceeds benefit The Locher Food Pantry and The Children's Ministry.

Quit Smoking

There is a notice on the information board that has some information on quitting smoking for LGBT smokers. If you would rather look up that information right now go to the website: Check it out or talk to Pastor Carol.

Follow up Information

Welcome New Members
Welcome Lily, Casey, and Darcy all as the newest members of MCC of Corpus Christi.

Sunday Fellowship Pot Luck Dinner
This past Sunday, August 31,
which was the 5th Sunday of the month, there was a Pot Luck Dinner after services in the fellowship hall. Many different chicken dishes were enjoyed.

Ushers Training Meeting
The usher meeting was
this past Sunday, August 31, after fellowship. Dan Pugh conducted the training for people who were new to the job of usher. The meeting was well attended.

Welcome Committee Meeting
There was a Welcome Committee meeting this past Sunday, August 31 after church
. Among other topics, the group discussed creating a new visitors kit. Please reply to this email and let us know if you have any suggestions for the welcome kits.

Spaghetti Dinner
This last Monday, September 1st, the church held a spaghetti dinner at the church. Over $100 was raised to benefit the Children's Ministry's Fall Festival. It was a great meal and lots of fun.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Activities Survey


1. Bible Study

Do you have any interest in attending a bible study class? Yes: 17 No: 11

Comments – “Maybe”(and answered remaining question)

If child care was available, would that make you interested? Yes: 2 No: 15

1a. There have been two types of grouping suggested. Which would you prefer:

Small groups in different parts of town: 7 Large group at church: 11

Suggestions “Any Group either one”

1b. If you selected small groups, please list the area in or around Corpus Christi you would prefer:(i.e., Flower Bluff, Rockport)

Suggestions “Staples & SPID” – 1

“Flower Bluff” – 1

“Portland” – 3

“Southside” – 2

“Ingleside” – 1

“Rockport” – 1

1c. What day of the week would be the best for you?

Sunday 5

Monday 5

Tuesday 2

Wednesday 7

Thursday 5

Friday 5

Saturday 4

Comments: “Any”- 1, “If we could do this Sunday before church” - 2

1d. What time of day would be the best for you? ____________________

10:00 3

11:00 1

1:00 1

2:00 1

6:00 7*

Evenings 11 Afternoon 1 Night 1

Comments: “Before church” - 2 These were listed under 10:00AM

* 3 of these were 6:30

1e. There have been two types of study method suggested. Which would you prefer:

One book reviewing the historical & spiritual 5

R A specific subject through out the Bible 12

Suggestion : “Not Homosexuality, its been done to death.”

“New Testament only”

“Any type of study”

2. Other church related activities

Please place a check next to the activities you would take part in:

You may select more than one.

Training on Meditation 8

Prayer groups 9

Set Pastor counseling hours 3

Speakers from other churches 9

Visiting other churches 6

Visiting ill or shut-in 6

Action Alert responder 2

Mentor youths 10

Suggestions: “Healthier & happier activities”

“Community service”

“Physical fitness”

“What is Action Alert Responder?

3. Social Activities

Please place a check next to the activities you would take part in:

You may select more than one.

Family Movie Night 12

Bowling League 9

Dart League 4

Bingo Night 9

Poker Night 8

Karoke 4

Games Night (i.e. Wii games)14

Grab a Bite Group 9

AA Meeting 3

Suggestions: “AA - Very Interested”

“Everything family friendly”

“Art contest, coloring contest”

“Music Ministry”

“Community theater”

“Movie Night – only if they know ahead the movie”

“Dominos/ Board games”– 2

“Depends on the movie”

“Sunday evenings only”

“Camping” – 2

Friday, May 02, 2008

Cookout at The Hidden Door Sunday May 11, 2008

There will be a cookout from 4pm to 6pm May 11, 2008 hosted by Don, Dale and MCC. All proceeds will go to help The Locher Food Pantry at Metropolitan Community Church of Corpus Christi and The Children's Ministry.
We want to invite everyone to come join us.

Special Events May 4th

GoodSearch: You Search...We Give!

There are two special events happening this Sunday, praise be to God!!!

We are having a dessert auction to benefit craft items for the children’s ministry. This will be towards Vacation Bible School. Please bring your sweet tooth, any yummy foods, and a little extra folding money!!!

The second exciting event is that A World For Children will be talking with us about their ministry here in South Texas to abused and neglected children. We will have a short presentation during worship. We will take up a second offering to contribute to the cause of A World for Children. Please be prepared to contribute generously.

Thanks for all you are doing!!!
