Thursday, August 28, 2008

Activities Survey


1. Bible Study

Do you have any interest in attending a bible study class? Yes: 17 No: 11

Comments – “Maybe”(and answered remaining question)

If child care was available, would that make you interested? Yes: 2 No: 15

1a. There have been two types of grouping suggested. Which would you prefer:

Small groups in different parts of town: 7 Large group at church: 11

Suggestions “Any Group either one”

1b. If you selected small groups, please list the area in or around Corpus Christi you would prefer:(i.e., Flower Bluff, Rockport)

Suggestions “Staples & SPID” – 1

“Flower Bluff” – 1

“Portland” – 3

“Southside” – 2

“Ingleside” – 1

“Rockport” – 1

1c. What day of the week would be the best for you?

Sunday 5

Monday 5

Tuesday 2

Wednesday 7

Thursday 5

Friday 5

Saturday 4

Comments: “Any”- 1, “If we could do this Sunday before church” - 2

1d. What time of day would be the best for you? ____________________

10:00 3

11:00 1

1:00 1

2:00 1

6:00 7*

Evenings 11 Afternoon 1 Night 1

Comments: “Before church” - 2 These were listed under 10:00AM

* 3 of these were 6:30

1e. There have been two types of study method suggested. Which would you prefer:

One book reviewing the historical & spiritual 5

R A specific subject through out the Bible 12

Suggestion : “Not Homosexuality, its been done to death.”

“New Testament only”

“Any type of study”

2. Other church related activities

Please place a check next to the activities you would take part in:

You may select more than one.

Training on Meditation 8

Prayer groups 9

Set Pastor counseling hours 3

Speakers from other churches 9

Visiting other churches 6

Visiting ill or shut-in 6

Action Alert responder 2

Mentor youths 10

Suggestions: “Healthier & happier activities”

“Community service”

“Physical fitness”

“What is Action Alert Responder?

3. Social Activities

Please place a check next to the activities you would take part in:

You may select more than one.

Family Movie Night 12

Bowling League 9

Dart League 4

Bingo Night 9

Poker Night 8

Karoke 4

Games Night (i.e. Wii games)14

Grab a Bite Group 9

AA Meeting 3

Suggestions: “AA - Very Interested”

“Everything family friendly”

“Art contest, coloring contest”

“Music Ministry”

“Community theater”

“Movie Night – only if they know ahead the movie”

“Dominos/ Board games”– 2

“Depends on the movie”

“Sunday evenings only”

“Camping” – 2