MCC of Corpus Christi
E Newsletter
April 28th May 5th 2010
This Week
Food Pantry Build Out- Sunday, May 2nd, is "Come to church in your GRUBBIES day" We need your help organizing the back of the church and moving the refrigerators and freezers. Please come support your church and Food Pantry. Please contact Chris at 876-4007 for more info.
Attention singersPlease contact Cheryl at 452-2155 if you are interested in starting a church choir.
Cell Phone Recycling! - We will be sending off a batch of old cell phones May 3rd. If you have an old cell phone that you no longer need or want, bring it to church Sunday. It does not have to work and does not have to have a battery with it. We will receive anywhere from $0.50 to $35.00 for each cell phone we recycle. And it is better for the environment since they will not end up in a landfill.
Annual Awards Banquet The 3rd annual Awards Banquet will be held on Saturday, May 1st, 2010 at MCC of CC. The suggested admission price is only $1 per week, or $52. This promises to be a fun filled night with excellent food. See Pastor Carol or the Mortgage Retirement Committee for more details. All proceeds will go to the Mortgage Retirement Fund. Please do not allow the suggested price of this event prevent you from coming.
Annual Awards Banquet The Doors will open at 5:00 PM. Dinner will be served at 6:00 PM. At 7:00 PM, we will start the award ceremony and Talent show. Anyone who wishes to participate in the talent show is welcome to do so. You can sign up with Andy or Bobby the night of the show. Dinner will be Chicken Cordon Bleu or a delicious alternative for those who do not eat meat.
Name Tag Design Contest--We are having a design contest for our new name tags. There are blank name tags on which you can draw your design. These designs will be collected on May 2, and we will then determine which design we will use for our name tags. Between now and then we will not be creating more name tags.
Coming Soon
CommitteesOn Sunday, May 9 after worship we will have a discussion of committees. Please come and share your ideas about what committees we need to be forming here at MCC of CC.
Annual Awards Banquet The committee will need 3 new members to be appointed at the May Board meeting. If you are interested in serving on this committee, see Tom or Pastor Carol.
This Month
Toilet Paper: Please bring Toilet Paper to church with you! We are collecting these items to give to the Food Pantry patrons who need them. Thank you!!! As always, grocery bags are greatly appreciated!!
Our Assistance is RequestedA man who came briefly to church and helped at the Food Pantry is now in jail. He is requesting anyone who would like to donate to his commissary fund to do so. With this money, he can buy shampoo and salt and pepper and sugar. He would also love to have visitors. If you are interested in visiting him, please see Pastor Carol. His name is Michael Treakle. He is in the Coastal Bend Detention Center in Robstown. The website for donating money is: You will need his number in order to donate to his fund. It is: 810030069. You can also write to him. Thank you!!!
Movie Night On the 2nd and 4th Saturday night of every month, we will gather at the church to watch a movie. If you have a suggestion for a movie to watch, See Howie or Lisa or write it on the clipboard.
Transgender Support GroupA monthly transgender support group meets here. Each third Saturday of the month, our Transgender brothers and sisters are invited to come and learn more about who we are as people of faith. This is a closed meeting and all participation is confidential. To learn more about the group please speak with Lisa B. Lancaster. She will be glad to assist you.
The Christ-Centered Prayer group: A prayer group focusing on quiet listening is held on Fridays at 9am. Yes, in the morning!!! Come and increase your peace.
Bible study is at 6:30 every Wednesday night.
Sound System: Would you like to assist with the sound system or the PowerPoint presentation (Especially when Tom and Andy are out of town)? Please see Pastor Carol, Tom, or Andy to sign up. Tom, Andy or Howie will train you before you're expected to fly solo.
T shirts: We are selling T-shirts for $10 each. The sizes run fromSmall-3x to raise money for the Conference fund. See Andy or Pat. They make a great gift. We have 2 styles available, ask to see them!
Facebook group page: Our church now has a "Facebook" group page. A good place to post church photos, prayer request, events, etc... The possibilities are boundless. Login to Facebook and search for MCC of Corpus Christi
MySpace page: MCC of CC has a MySpace page! Find us at
MCC of CC Blog! This newsletter is posted in a blog each week. Go to We are also posting UFMCC notices there. This week, 4 items were added. One of these 4 is below in the "Fellowship News" section of this newsletter.
As it says in Mark 12:42-44: A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which are worth a penny. Then he called his disciples and said to them, "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. For all of them have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on."
Thank you!! Thank you to everyone who contributed so generously to the church this past Sunday, April 25th. We received $510.10 toward our general fund. We are very grateful for everyone's contributions.
Just FYI: Our Bookkeeper, Andy Wilcox, says we need approximately $1028 each week to keep current with all of our bills. Andy also says "Thanks for making my job easy by your generous donations!"
Donate online! -If you have a paypal account, simply send money to If you do not have a paypal account, you can use your credit card at
Support MCC of CC with your everyday purchases! Turn your everyday spending into meaningful donations. With our custom credit card, cash donations for every purchase you makeplus a $50 first purchase bonuswill be donated to MCC of CC. There is no annual fee and there is an introductory 0% financing. Go to to apply or learn more!
Good Search--Did you know? Each time someone does a search using Good Search, a charity gets 1 cent. If you put MCC of Corpus Christi in the "Who do you GoodSearch for?" box, MCC of Corpus Christi gets that penny. You can set Good search as your homepage and/or default search engine. You can also download and install a Good Search toolbar to ensure MCC of Corpus Christi gets donations when you buy online! Visit for more details!
Need some suggestions to search? Try these: April, Mortgage, Banquet, Awards, Committee, Annual, and Grubbies. You never have to buy anything for MCC of Corpus Christi to get the credit. Happy searching! is a new online shopping mall which donates up to 37 % of each purchase to your favorite cause! More than 1000 great Stores including Old Navy, Dell, Expedia, Best Buy, eBay, Macy's, and Barnes & Noble have teamed up with Good Shop and every time you place an order, you'll be supporting your favorite cause. Be sure to put MCC of Corpus Christi in the "Who do you support?" box. And if you download the toolbar from you will ensure MCC of CC gets credit from every store available when you shop online!
From the Fellowship
Metropolitan Community Churches
| Tearing Down Walls. Building Up Hope. | Issue Number: Three |
| MCC Breaking News! This Just In... METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH RICHARD DAWKINS FOUNDATION Nate Phelps To Tell Story Of Growing Up In Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas Son of 'God Hates Fags' Pastor To Speak At Event Sponsored By Gay Church, Atheist Foundation ADVISORY: Press conference will be held on Friday, 4 p.m., 23 April 2010 at Metropolitan Community Church of Topeka, 4425 SW 19th Street, Topeka, KS to answer questions related to this event. MEDIA RELEASE: Nate Phelps left his family at the stroke of midnight on his eighteenth birthday. After years in Canada, Nate returns to Topeka to share his story growing up as the son of Fred Phelps, the "God Hates Fags" pastor, and as a member of the Westboro Baptist Church. Admission is free. Nate Phelps son of the Rev. Fred Phelps, will be speaking in Topeka, KS, April 24, 2010, from 2- 4 p.m. at the Topeka Performing Arts Center, 214 SE 8th Ave. ( Nate, now an atheist, will be joined on stage by the Reverend Elder Nancy Wilson, Moderator of the international denomination, Metropolitan Community Churches, ( The predominantly gay Metropolitan Community Church of Topeka (MCC Topeka) and the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science (RDFRS) are sponsoring this event. Nate contacted MCC Topeka knowing that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and Topeka have been the targets of Fred Phelps and his message of hate that is now spread across the country. A documentary of Nate's story will be filmed during this event by Upper Branch Productions, and sponsored by the RDFRS. Click here to read the entire release. | Walk for Tolerance on April 7, 2010, Marked a Historic First for Montego Bay, Jamaica MCC Delegation Participated In First-Ever Public March Rev. Nancy Wilson Arrived In Jamaica Directly From White House Easter Prayer Breakfast With U.S. President Obama MONTEGO BAY, JAMAICA-- The Rev. Elder Nancy L. Wilson, moderator of the international movement of Metropolitan Community Churches, participated in the first-ever public HIV/AIDS march in Montego Bay, Jamaica, on Wednesday, April 7, 2010, along with a delegation of MCC leaders.
The public event, known as the Walk for Tolerance, was sponsored by Jamaica AIDS Support for Life, the largest and oldest Jamaican non-profit organization providing support services to persons with HIV and AIDS. The goal of the public walk in Montego Bay was to engender goodwill, support and tolerance for persons living with HIV and AIDS. The march, which drew 150 participants was a historic first for the Montego Bay community.
Joining Rev. Wilson were Rev. Pat. Bumgardner, chair of MCC's Global Justice Team, Rev. Robert Griffin, MCC Liaison to Jamaica and Staff Pastor for Sunshine Cathedral Jamaica (Fort Lauderdale, Florida), Rev. Michael Diaz, volunteer coordinator for Sunshine Cathedral MCC (Fort Lauderdale, Florida), and Rev. Jim Birkitt, communications specialist and writer. Prior to arriving in Jamaica, Rev. Wilson was a guest of U.S. President Barack Obama at a White House Easter Prayer Breakfast at which she spoke with the U.S. President, members of the current U.S. administration, and religious leaders from numerous faith communities. "The members and adherents of Metropolitan Community Churches stand in solidarity with all persons with HIV and AIDS," said Wilson. News articles published in the Jamaican press in the days leading up to the Walk for Tolerance addressed the discrimination that is often experienced by Jamaicans living with HIV/AIDS.
"Jesus stood with those who were marginalized and rejected by their societies. Jesus loved those who had been made to feel like outcasts; Jesus welcomed such, embraced them, loved them and cared for them. Those who would be Jesus' followers today must show God's same extravagant love," added Wilson.
Following the march, Rev. Wilson preached at a worship service of Sunshine Cathedral Jamaica. Click here to read the entire press release. | MCC Leadership News... Dear MCC pastors, lay leaders, congregations: I am pleased to share with you a resource from Rev. Elder Arlene Ackerman on church finances in tough times, that I hope you will find encouraging, timely and useful. As I travel around to MCC churches, and have contact with so many of you, I want to share some brief thoughts, reflections and encouragement: This January, the amount of tithes to MCC you reported was excellent, an improvement over last year, and yet, we received only 80% because we know churches are facing tough times and some are delaying paying tithes. Churches are much better at sending in reports, which helps us understand where you are, and the trends - thanks to church treasurers and boards for keeping in touch. Even with all of the cuts we made to the MCC budget last year, that has not enabled us to keep up with this shortfall in tithes, due to the economy. We are continuing to monitor diligently, make cuts responsibly, and struggle with not undercutting services to our churches. You gave $33,000 to our efforts for Haiti!! In must one month - amazing! And, many churches signed up for the Easter offering, believing that giving MCCers a chance to give over and above does not negatively impact tithes. MCCers are givers, and we give with our hearts. Some churches have told me they assume they cannot vote at conference if they are behind in tithes, and are not planning to come. Please know, we will work with you, and help you in this time of great challenge! Of course we want you to pay your tithes, but, we really want you to come to conference. Talk to us! Airfares are coming way down to Acapulco, and our room rates are phenomenal! Someone in your church or community has frequent flier miles that they may be able to donate. We hope you will make sure your church is represented. We are very close to meeting our baseline goal for conference registrations, our hotel room block, and we have a quorum in both houses of General Conference. We have amazing worship, training and inspirational opportunities for MCC. Pray with me, that we will do everything we can do to be both responsible and full of faith and hope in these times where our people need to trust and rely on our leadership, locally and globally. Pray for me, and our leaders, as we tighten our belts and ask fewer people to focus and do more. I will pray for you, that the generosity of our people, and the grace and abundance of the wonder-working God we know in Jesus, will sustain you, and give you great hope and peace today. And, pray for me, and our Elders and leaders as we look ahead to General Conference, our global family reunion -- to a time of sharing a new vision of ministry, deep personal connections, renewed friendships, and honest dialogue. I am confident that the Holy Spirit God will lead us and provide for us at this crossroads. Grace and Peace, + Nancy Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson | Resources... Rev. Elder Arlene Ackerman Stewardship and Church Finances in Hard Times There is no question that we have been experiencing challenging financial times globally. Many people have come into our churches with the norm of our culture in terms of having debt, whether small or large. Many others have no knowledge of tithing or having a spiritual financial discipline. Fortunately, there are others in MCC who are highly committed to God and who see making a financial commitment to the life of the church as one part of their spiritual growth. Here are just a few resources: "Creating Congregationsof Generous People: Money, Faith, and Lifestyle Series," Michael Durall published by Alban. Asking parishioners for money is very different from creating congregations of generous people. In this provocative book, stewardship consultant Michael Durall argues convincingly that annual pledge drives inadvertently perpetuate low-level and same-level giving in congregations. Written with the voice of experience, this book will help clergy and lay leaders initiate and sustain effective stewardship programs. Durall believes that asking for money eventually becomes routine, even tedious-but creating a congregation of generous people becomes ever more meaningful with passing time. Net Results: For clear and helpful articles on stewardship and much more subscribe to Net Results, a quarterly digital magazine that speaks to pertinent issues faced by churches today. Cost is $19.95 per year. The May - June 09 issue is dedicated to the topic of Stewardship with many excellent articles. "What About Tithing," an article by Rev. Elder Don Eastman helps those of us in North America understand how tithing is viewed today and offer some thoughts on moving forward within MCC. | MCC Board of Directors Training Coordinated by Rev. Elder Arlene Ackerman MCC Resource Specialist for Church Development The health and vitality of the local church often reflects the leadership of both the Pastor and Board. Hopefully this manual will provide you with resources that will help you be effective in the ministry before you.
UFMCC Bylaws refer to a "local church administrative body." In most cases local churches have chosen to call this body the Board of Directors, which is the name that is used in this body of work. Whatever your church chooses to call this group of elected people a clear understanding of their role and responsibilities is essential.
Previous Board material that was on the MCC website has been reviewed, much of it updated and additional material has been created. I especially want to thank Rev. Elder Don Eastman, who for many years has authored excellent material for MCC Board of Directors. With his permission, I have included much of his work here. I also want to thank our Elders, staff and many other people around MCC who have helped in the editing of this material.
You will discover there is some overlap of information in this manual. The manual is actually a collection of articles by a number of authors. The articles can be used together as a training manual or in part as needed.
It should be noted that this manual is NOT complete. In fact, it will never be complete. More sections will be added as material becomes available. As changes are made a notification will be noted on the MCC website.
Two Versions
There are two distinct sizes of churches within MCC, those below 75 in average Sunday attendance and those above. Therefore, this manual is being adapted for each size even though much of the material is the same there are specific areas that are addressed by size. Discussion Questions
At the end of most sections you will find Discussion Questions. Hopefully whenever a new Board is elected extensive Board training will take place. The Discussion Questions are designed to help the Board process what it has been reading. The questions can also be helpful for a Board member to review individually. Have each person write the answer to each question and then discuss as a group.
In Section II you will find Resources containing a listing of books and websites giving excellent material for you to explore. Recommendations are welcome. There are also additional resources mentioned within certain sections as well.
Click here to review and download the manual. May this material provide useful tools for you and your church. I welcome your feedback. Peace and Possibilities, +Arlene Rev. Elder Arlene Ackerman MCC Resource Specialist for Church Development |
| 2010 Earth Day Prayer by Rev. Elder Diane Fisher God of creation, we give you thanks You have given into our care this earth The lakes and rivers, the trees and flowers The sand and cactus, the snow and the rain, The warmth of the sun and the vastness of the night sky All of these, into our care. We have used the earth, we have spent her resources We have not cared for her creatures. We have been a people of consumption In a world that needs tender nurturing. Help us to be a changed people Tending the earth, repairing the damage Treating each gift, of air, of plants, water With the care they deserve, that we deserve Help us to treasure each running brook, each glass of water Each step on the earth to treat as sacred When we see a bird winging its way across the sky May they echo our prayers to you God, taking flight As we feel each gentle breeze, or the bite of winter days May we treat them as your caress Help us to be your caretakers With awe and with reverence Faithfully tending this earth that you gave us, Let this be our gift to you God On this Earth Day to offer our commitment To live more simply, value more deeply this precious gift Our Earth! In your many names we pray, Amen | 
| Click the image to view the Earth Day Video | | MCC Staff News Congratulations to MCC Staffer, Angel Collie who was recently awarded the 2010 Bernard Boyd Memorial Prize at the University of North Carolina! This award was established in 1979 by the Department of Religious Studies in memory of Bernard Boyd, James A. Gray Professor of Biblical Literature from 1950 to 1975. A award is presented annually to the member of the senior class majoring in Religious Studies who has been selected by a faculty committee as most outstanding in academic achievement. | New - MCC WEBINAR Board of Director Training - Best Practices of Effective Boards Date: Thursday, 27 May 2010 Time: 4PM - 5:15PM (EST) Cost: Free, registration is required and space is limited. Focus: Three key areas effective Church Boards do well and is something all church boards can learn to do. This Webinar is a companion to the new MCC Board of Director Training Manuals. Click here to view and download the manuals. Length: 1.25 hours Rev. Elder Arlene Ackerman has served on Board of Directors in MCC for over 35 years either as a lay board member, pastor, trainer/consultant plus she has served on denominational boards. Prior to MCC Arlene worked with not for profit organizational boards. She most recently completed the new MCC Board of Director Training Manuals which is currently on the MCC website as a free downloadable resource. To sign up, click here to email Rev. Arlene. |
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