Tuesday, October 31, 2006

This Week at MCC of Corpus Christi

October 31st, 2006

Good morning!

Happy Halloween everyone! As we head into the month of November-a month which normally emphasizes thankfulness-let us be thankful for all of God's abundant blessings to us. We have so much to be thankful for here at MCC of Corpus Christi. For example:

October was an extremely busy month for MCC of CC! Thanks to you, we raised almost $500.00 for the American Heart Association, $335.00 for UFMCC's Church Planting Fund during 2 separate Dessert Auctions, collected food for our Food Pantry, chilled and grilled with the folks at Get Happy, and sold Christmas Crafts at the First United Methodist Church. We even managed to elect a new Alternate Lay Delegate, approve a 2007 budget, and elect 3 new Board members at our Annual Congregational Meeting! So, however you were able to participate in any or all of these activities, know that you are both loved and very appreciated!

And it is not quite over yet.

Annette Berdan and Don Schiffke are working hard to make our First Annual Fall Festival a fun and fabulous event! Let's give our kids and our community a safe and fun alternative to trick or treating on the streets! Oh, and don't worry-we plan to have food for our "adult trick or treaters" as well. The festivities kick off around 5:30, so come on out and have some fun with us!

As we reported last week, Pastor Danny was invited to speak at Port Aransas High School on the subject of inclusivity and diversity. Thanks to Claudia Locher, wife of MCC of CC member Dale Locher, and instructor for the class for issuing this invitation. However, it seems that the Pastor's planned appearance has caused some "concern" for some of the members of the Port Aransas community. So, rather than the planned talk on the 23rd, the Pastor interviewed with the Principal of Port Aransas High School at the request of the Superintendent of Schools for Port Aransas. The principal will speak with the Superintendent, and the Superintendent will render the final decision as to whether or not the Pastor will be allowed to address this class. As of today, a decision in this matter has not been made.

BUT, where one door closes (for now), another opens.

Pastor Danny was guest speaker for a Social Work class at TAMU Kingsville this past Monday. He addressed issues of growing up gay in conservative Western Kentucky, issues facing the lgbtq communities today, as well as the importance for continuing dialogue and education on these issues. The Pastor told the class he believes that fear-based ignorance is at the root of many of our world's challenges, and that the only way to address some of these issues is through education.

The next Craft Fair work session is Friday, November 3rd, 7PM, at the church. We may change the location; so stay tuned for further developments! Come on out, join the fun, socialize, learn a new skill, and raise money for the ministries of MCC of CC! Everyone is welcome!

Join us next month as we head to the Rose on Sunday, November 12th for King Ranch Chicken and an afternoon of football!

The Thursday Night Bible Study Group has started watching and discussing a DVD series on "Lost Christianities." This study explores the diversity of Christian practices during the first few centuries after Jesus' ascension, as well as some of the writings that did not make into the Bible. Everyone is welcome to attend these weekly study groups, so come on out! PLEASE NOTE: The location for this class has been changed to Pastor Danny and Richard's home due to technical difficulties at the church. Call the church for directions to their home if you would like to attend this study. Don't worry-we'll make room!

October 31st: Community Fall Festival in the Auditorium

Thursdays (2nd, 9th, 16th, 30th): "Lost Christianities" Thursday Night Bible Study Group at 6:30PM at Pastor Danny and Richard's.
Fridays (3rd, 17th): Christmas Craft Fair Workshops at 7:00PM in the Fellowship Hall
November 12th: "Takin' It To The Streets" 4:00PM at The Rose
November 19th: Board of Directors Meeting 1:00PM

November 5th:Ruth 1:1-18; Psalm 146; Hebrews 9:11-14; Mark 12:28-34
November 12th: Ruth 3:1-5, 4:13-17; Psalm 127; Hebrews 9:24-28; Mark 12:38-44
November 19th: 1 Samuel 1:4-20; 1 Samuel 2:1-10; Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18), 19-25; Mark 13:1-8
November 26th: 2 Samuel 23:1-7; Psalm 132:1-12 (13-18); Revelation 1:4b-8; John 18:33-37

Don S. 11/01
John T. 11/14
Becky D. 11/24
Gloria P. 11/28

Bylaws! Standard Operating Procedures! Rules! Rules! Rules! Are some rules more important than others? What did Jesus say about all this rule business? Come join us this Sunday as Pastor Danny shares "The KISS of Love," based on Mark 12:28-34.

Notable Quotable
""God speaks in different ways, but we don't always recognize God's voice." - Job 33:14 (CEV)
Question: Could that be because we aren't always "tuned in"?

See you in church!