Tuesday, November 16, 2010

MCC Headline NEWS - November Volume I

Metropolitan Community Churches
Tearing Down Walls.  Building Up Hope.
HLN News Banner November 2010
MCCHeadline NEWS
MCC Announces New Children & Youth Resources 

As more and more children and youth and their families come through the doors of MCC, having a program designed just for them is essential.

Rev. Elder Arlene Ackerman
Rev. Elder Arlene Ackerman 

If there is no program you will soon lose those families to churches who realize that this is an important under served population in our community.

To help your congregation, MCC offers this listing of resources by age groups including descriptions, websites, and in many cases an MCC contact person who has used the program.  Individuals listed as "Resource Person" are MCC program leaders within a local church and have agreed to have their name and email address included.  Please use these individuals to help navigate any questions about specific programs.

If you or your church has had excellent experience with resources please email Rev. Arlene Ackerman here.


The following alphabetical list of resources is for use by local churches offering children's Sunday school and/or Vacation Bible School (VBS).

Center For Progressive Christianity Ages 6 - 10"Inner Wisdom Series" and a second on "A Joyful Path" will be available Fall of 2010 for purchase. The curriculum is free from dogma and creed and does not make reference to the atonement/sacrifice issue that is in classical Christianity. It treats Jesus as a teacher of a way to live a fulfilling and spiritual life. It respects and celebrates the many wisdom teachings that exist and focuses on a joyful path and finding God within all. tcpc.org 

Cokesbury - ages 3 - 13, many options available for purchase from Cokesbury.com

Live BIG curriculum - theologically love based, multi-ethnic/racial, multi-media. Some adapting needed.  Resource person - Joel Palomares, Youth Ministries Program Coordinator at Resurrection MCC, Houston, TX (Email Joel).


"Rock Solid" curriculum, IAmRockSolid.com.  This program was created and released  by the United Methodist Church. The program is age appropriate and easy to implement with a volunteer staff. It also features work books and fun packs for the children and resource material that follows the week to week curriculum.  Resource people - Phyllis Ringdahl and Nancy Horvath, Youth Program Coordinators, MCC Austin, TX. (Email Phyllis and Nancy) and Suzette from MCC of Paducah  (Email Suzette)

Cokesbury - ages 6 months to 3 years

"Rock-a-bye Baby" program. It uses a lot of music, play and repetition, puzzles, play dough and crafts. Most of the materials are inclusive in format. The biggest part covers Jesus loves you.  Resource person - Suzette from MCC of Paducah (Email Suzette).

SundaySchool Group - ages 3 - 13, many options available for purchase. Sundayschool.group.com

The Group uses different programs for different ages groups. Theologically evangelical, love based, multi-racial, and multimedia. Some adapting needed.  Resource person - Melody Merida, Minister of Congregational Care, Jesus MCC, Indianapolis, IN. (Email Melody)

United Church of Christ - ages 3 - 18 - Kid2Kid, just a few options available free of charge.

Journey to the Congo and Journey to India.  Programs can be used for either Sunday School or VBS, they are love based, multi-ethnic/racial, and use inclusive language. Little if any adaptation needed.  (Learn More)

United Church of Canada - ages 5 - 12, many options available free of charge,

UC of Canada has downloadable programs available, however the Family Story Bible is needed.  Seasonal and topical themes available such as Church Seasons, Creation, Peace, Empire. Love based, little adaptation needed. (Learn More)


BluefishTV - ages 13 - 21 & adult - There are many any options available for purchase and some free downloads.  Good selection of programs, multimedia, reasonably priced, bible based material. Some adapting needed.  Resource person - Mary Ann Durborow, Youth Ministry Coordinator at Vision of Hope MCC, Mountville, PA (Email Mary Ann).  (Learn More)

MCC Teen Ministry - "You! A Faith That Fits" Ages 13 - 17, minimal cost, designed specifically for MCC youth. Much of the religious education material that is available for teens is so inappropriate for use in MCC and can not be easily adapted because it is very denominational in nature or because it addresses questions of faith and sexuality in ways that are hurtful. This program is designed to serve as part of a spiritual rite of passage. The curriculum attempts to address some of the basic questions of adolescent faith development in an atmosphere of loving acceptance of them and their families. It is designed for small, mixed-age groups and is very flexible offering numerous options for each of the twelve sessions. Resource person - Sharon Van Butsel, Minister of Children and Youth, MCC Omaha, (Email Sharon).  To order, call 310-360-8640 or email or order online!

"Tree of Life" - developed by MCC Omaha - a teen and preteen led worship resources.  Contact Sharon Van Butsel for more information (Email Sharon).

Youth Resources

The following are resources not necessarily limited to a Sunday school or youth group program.

Kid Spirit - ages 11 - 15, is a new coed quarterly magazine for with great articles. It is also a unique forum for kids who are curious about the meaning of life and age-old questions that affect us all. They want to help the young people of the world show their colors and share each others' belief systems, cultures, art, traditions, ideas and values. Their goal is to share many perspectives and encourage each other to think about what is important in our lives and in our world. (Learn More)

Transgender Day of Remembrance

20 November


Don't forget MCC Transgender Ministries' annual Transgender Day of Remembrance resources!  We have news, commentaries, vigils, advertising and other worship resources available for your immediate download.  Also - if you are observing Transgender Day of Remembrance, sign on and LET Us Know!  Add your voice to our collection of resources, events, and activism opportunities!  Link:  



Clergy Renewal
Every year, The Office of Formation and Leadership Development (OFLD) receives clergy license fees in order to renew the licenses of our clergy in local communities. Clergy are responsible for completing the appropriate forms and paying yearly renewal fees.  Click here for more information and to renew.

Making An Impact In Your Local Community?


Do you have news to share? If so, please click here to contact Judy Dale, the editor of the MCC Impact to help lift up and share what God is up to in your local MCC!

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