Thursday, May 26, 2011

MCC DETAILS Regarding Disaster Relief in Joplin, Missouri



Dear MCC Friends:


We are pleased to let you know that we have MCCers on the ground in Joplin, Missouri, as of yesterday afternoon. Today, they have been able to let us know a lot more about what is really going on there and what we all can do.

As you might expect, there are things that can be done by those who live closer to the area and a different set of things that those who are not close can do. Based on the feedback we received this morning from Rev. Kurt Krieger and Linda Beckstead, these are the needs:


For those who are close


Immediate relief is needed in the area of supplies. See this Emergency Supplies List of items needed. The meeting location will be determined today, and they are hoping to begin distribution at 11:00am on Friday and Saturday. The attached sheet will also provide tips related to limited services there (i.e., gasoline). Since both dates will be advertised to the congregation, and others from the larger community may show up, we want to make sure we have volunteers and supplies for both days. Please contact Linda Beckstead if your church is participating and on what date(s). Her email address is, and her phone number is 1-402-850-7153.

Help is needed in clearing the church lot. A dumpster has been rented at the church location and everything on site needs to go. This Clean Up attachment gives tips about this volunteer opportunity. Clean-up times will be from 12noon to 4:00 pm on Friday and Saturday.

Your assistance is requested to help this community heal and move forward by attending and supporting a church service this Sunday. We are tentatively calling it, "Come As You Are: Community Healing and Growing Service," sponsored by Spirit of Christ MCC. We will provide food beginning at 3:00pm, and service will begin at 6:00pm. We will determine a location today and secure a park permit. The times may change slightly, and it will be an outdoor event. Pastor Melissa from MCC Omaha and Pastor Katie from MCCGSL will plan the service and meal.

For those who are farther away


If you or your church is called to help in this area, consider hosting a fundraiser to replace home furnishings and clothing that Pastor Steve and Heath lost in the storm. They are searching for an apartment today. Gift cards are likely the best option for this scenario.


Gas cards are a helpful donation as well, especially for relief efforts.


Of course, we all need to pray constantly for our church and pastor in Joplin and for the entire city as they face the reality of all that has been lost.

Thank you so much for the outpouring of concern and offerings of assistance. 


As more information becomes available, we will post updates to the MCC Disaster Relief page on our website.



1) Go to our website at

2) Scroll down to the Joplin May 2011 alert.

3) Click on the Support tab.

Again, thank you for your prayers and support.



lillie signature small 

Rev. Elder Lillie Brock


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