Monday, October 03, 2011

Annual Congregational Meeting - Notification letter and addendum



Dear Members and Friends of MCC Corpus Christi,


Please mark your calendar for two very important meetings at MCC Corpus Christi:


Sunday October 9 – Congregational Forum - After worship

            This is a meeting to discuss all issues coming up at the Congregational meeting, to ask questions about budget, reports and financial needs and to hear from each of the candidates for open positions.  Discussion on issues will take place at the forum.


Sunday October 23, 1:00pm – Annual Congregational Meeting

            The Annual Meeting is critical to the administrative life of our church.  We will make important decisions, review our financial health and approve a budget; elect leaders and make decisions about our future.  The proposed budget all annual reports are available at:  Paper copies are available upon request.


            It is important that each member be in attendance so that we can make our required quorum to conduct business.   The actual annual meeting will be the time for voting and decision making.  Please note that discussion and questions will take place at the forum.


One of the agenda items this year will include a vote about the future of our congregation and how we can manage pastoral leadership on our income.  The board will ask each one of you as individual members to make a commitment to the life and ministry of the congregation.  We must have increased commitment to the financial needs of the church to continue in ministry.


The Board of Directors

Mary Jo Smith – Vice Moderator

Thomas Dollard – Clerk

Russell Young – Treasure

Sharon Scott – member at large

Rev. Ken Ehrke – Interim pastor - Moderator




Congregational Forum  October 9   1:00pm            

Congregational Meeting  October 23  1:00pm


Besides electing officers and a budget we will vote on issues critical to the future of our church.


We have not had income to meet our bills for the last year.  We have invited you help with this problem but attendance and offerings have not increased.   We will not survive past February at our current rate of spending verses income.


Our food bank is an amazing ministry that feeds nearly 2000 individuals each month.  The food pantry has one grant that provides a 90% of its income.  If that grant were to end – the food bank and church would have to close.

Why?  Because the food bank pays ½ of our mortgage, electricity and phone bills.  We must make major changes so that the church's future is not dependent on a grant that may or may not get renewed.


That means turning the food pantry back to the food bank to find a new distribution site for the pantry.  It means selling our property and renting worship space that we can afford.


At the meeting you will be asked to vote on the following:

1. Vote yes to continue the church. Vote no to close the church.   A yes vote means YOU WILL INCREASE YOUR GIVING and YOU WILL INVITE FRIENDS.

2. Vote to sell the current property and find a more affordable space.  A sale would net enough money to restart the church.


We realize that it takes awhile to sell the property and that means we must continue giving above the current levels and keep the food pantry until we can find a buyer.


Pastor Ken's contract is up November 30 – we do not have enough income to continue his part time salary.


Monthly Budget $6,000

September offerings $3,539  ($2,461 in the red)