Wednesday, January 25, 2012

MCC's Rev. Lee Carlton Retires



Rev. Lee Carlton's


Lee Carlton with other MCCLA pastors
Former MCC LA (California) Pastors: Rev. Troy Perry, Rev. Dr. Nancy Wilson, Rev. Lee Carlton, Rev. Don Pederson, Rev. Dr. Neil Thomas (MCC Anniversary 2008)


I met Lee Carlton at a clergy conference in Boston, Massachusetts, early in 1973, but we probably didn't really speak much at all until the very first General Conference I attended later that year in Atlanta, Georgia. Lee was newly elected the second pastor of MCC Los Angeles, succeeding Troy.   He was so young and so gifted for ministry.


I remember Lee as deeply spiritual, passionate about both MCC and the gospel. He was thoroughly Pentecostal in his piety but open-hearted and open-minded about inclusivity, about dealing with sexism and racism, and so many other issues that could divide human beings or the Body of Christ. I remember the risks he took to leave MCC LA and move to Australia, to affiliate the first MCC there, and start the work in Sydney. 


For a long time, Lee deepened his roots here in Florida, where I have now lived for a decade. His legacy and imprint are on many churches he pastored or served as an interim or temporary pastor. He is well-loved in our state and fondly remembered in many cities. He has stories to tell, including about the march for civil and spiritual rights ("the Trek") across Northern Florida, from Jacksonville to Tallahassee . . .


Lee has been a long time survivor of HIV/AIDS, and has experienced all the grief and loss, and also the miracles.


I know that Lee Carlton helped MCC in Mobile, Alabama, reach for the stars and grow beyond their vision for themselves.  I treasure Lee's friendship, his values, and faith in the message and ministry that God revealed to Troy Perry, and to us. . .I know that in retirement, Lee will continue to love and serve our God and be a witness to the Holy Spirit's amazing work. . .

Rev. Elder Dr. Nancy Wilson



Lee Carlton oldies
In order: Rev. Lee Carlton at wedding in San Francisco (California) in 1970s; Rev. Don Pederson with Rev. Lee Carlton as The Bugle Boys; Rev. Lee Carlton at MCCLA (Los Angeles, California)

Rev. Lee Carlton, you were among that great cloud of witnesses who first welcomed me to MCC in 1976. Through the years, I have admired you for the profound depth of your faith and for your commitment to carrying the Good News of Jesus Christ into all corners of the world. You have served MCC in our times of want and of plenty. Even at great personal sacrifice, you carried the liberating message of the Gospel to people who had never imagined that God's love could be broad enough to cover them. And so I thank you for welcoming me and for reaching out to others. Your contributions to our great movement will always be admired and remembered!           

Rev. Elder Darlene Garner



Lee Carlton GC 2007
Rev. Lee Carlton (MCC General Conference 2007)



Lee, you are a true MCC pioneer, someone I have looked up to with great respect. Because of your faithfulness and deep commitment to the call of Christ, thousands of lives have been touched, including mine. Thank you for being so faith-filled. Enjoy your retirement. You deserve some rest and renewal. 

With love,

Rev. Elder Arlene Ackerman



June Norris, Lee Carlton - GC 1999
Rev. June Norris, Rev. Lee Carlton
(MCC General Conference 1999)


Feel free to send your best wishes and thanksgiving for Rev. Lee Carlton's ministry directly to him at


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